Intercultural Ministries is part of Church of God, Division of World Evangelism, Mission North America.
The mission of Intercultural Ministries is to provide intentional support by collaborating with State/Regions to effectively reach and networking with representatives of various ethnic groups in the USA and Canada. To provide sustainable models of ministry resources that elevate evangelism and discipleship to reach, expand and impact ethnic groups of the Church of God. Our vision is to see all cultures experience healthy and sustaining growth through holist ministry.

Intercultural Ministries serves to provide information and resources that strengthen and advance the Kingdom of God among various people groups within the Church of God through building…
Relationship building among cultures within the Church of God

Forming partnership on International, state/regions, district, and local levels
Refining methods and models for greater success

Displaying appreciation and affirmation of accomplishments
Director of Interculture Ministries,
Bishop Dr. James S. McIntyre Sr.
Dr. McIntyre has served the Church of God as a lead pastor of Cornerstone Family Worship Center and District Overseer for the Pamlico District, Washington North Carolina for over 20 years. He has also served on various State, Regional and International Boards and Committees. He has served on the ENC State Council; Youth and Discipleship, USA Mission, Ministerial Internship Program, Church Plant / Revitalization Boards. He has served as a member of Home for Children’s Board of Trustees Eastern North Carolina. Regionally, he served as the President of the Church of God Southeast Regional Fellowship (SERF). Internationally he has served as a member of Pathway Press Editorial and Publications Board of Trustees, USA Missions Board, Lee University Board of Directors and a member of the Black Ministries Committee Church of God, Cleveland TN. Dr. McIntyre earned his undergraduate and Doctoral of Theology Degrees with a concentration in Marriage and Family Counseling from Christian Life School of Theology, Columbus GA. He has earned various certifications in Certificate In Ministerial Studies (CIMS) with concentrations in Biblical, Pastoral and Doctrinal Studies from the Church of God Division of Education; Certifications in Excellence In Covenant Leadership, from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary; Certifications of Level’s I & II Community Service Chaplain and Certifications as a Trainer in the Ten Essential Skills of Executive Leadership from Leader Labs Inc, Cleveland TN. He is married to Lady Lisa McIntyre for over 40 years. To this holy union, God has birth three sons, James Jr. Jonathan, and Joshua. They are also blessed with one daughter-in-love, Sabre and four grandchildren, Jayden, Jirah, Averie Grace and James Douglas.